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How 1,200-Year-Old Keris Daggers Tradition Is Fighting To Survive | Still Standing
Keris daggers, used as deadly weapons centuries ago, are now collector's items and heirlooms in Indonesia passed down from generation to generation. Believed to have magical powers, these daggers are forged by empus, masters of their craft, and some take months to complete because of the rituals and time-consuming steps involved. But the number of empus in the country is dwindling, and the government is trying to get more young people involved in the dying art form. A new keris culture study program was established at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Surakarta, and one of the country's most famous empus, Subandi Suponingrat, was recruited to help train new recruits - including his ow...
Просмотров: 65 817


Every Step Of Making A Japanese Iron Kettle From Start To Finish | Full Process | Business Insider
Просмотров 59 тыс.10 часов назад
Nohobu Miya of Kamasada Ironworks has been designing handmade iron kettles for most of his life. We visited his workshop in Iwate Prefecture, Japan to see how he and his son Shotaro make Nambu Iron Kettles, from start to finish. MORE BUSINESS INSIDER VIDEOS: The British Royal Family's Secret 'Operation Menai Bridge' Explained | Business Insider Explainsвидео.html ...
What Happens When King Charles III Dies? | Business Insider Explains
Просмотров 51 тыс.12 часов назад
Operation Menai Bridge is the code name for when King Charles III dies. Though details about the plan are tightly guarded, his passing will trigger immediate changes in both the monarchy and the UK. Here's what will happen. MORE BUSINESS INSIDER EXPLAINS VIDEOS: What Happens When The US Debt Reaches Critical Levels? | Business Insider Explainsвидео.html I Went On ...
Why Hunting For 20-Million-Year-Old Petrified Wood Is So Dangerous In Indonesia | Risky Business
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Why Hunting For 20-Million-Year-Old Petrified Wood Is So Dangerous In Indonesia | Risky Business
What Happens When The US Debt Reaches Critical Levels? | Business Insider Explains
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What Happens When The US Debt Reaches Critical Levels? | Business Insider Explains
Why Japanese Kanzuri Chile Paste Is So Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider
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Why Japanese Kanzuri Chile Paste Is So Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider
Can Bamboo Replace Paper And Plastic? And Should It? | World Wide Waste | Business Insider
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Can Bamboo Replace Paper And Plastic? And Should It? | World Wide Waste | Business Insider
How Digital Connectivity Is Changing The Way We Recycle
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How Digital Connectivity Is Changing The Way We Recycle
I Went On A Date With An AI Chatbot And He Fell In Love With Me | Business Insider Explains
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I Went On A Date With An AI Chatbot And He Fell In Love With Me | Business Insider Explains
Why This Prototype Combat Rig Could Help Army Soldiers Fight A Possible War With China | Loadout
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Why This Prototype Combat Rig Could Help Army Soldiers Fight A Possible War With China | Loadout
How Africa’s First Caviar Won Over Michelin-Starred Restaurants In Europe | Big Business
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How Africa’s First Caviar Won Over Michelin-Starred Restaurants In Europe | Big Business
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How To Invest In AI Stocks | Business Insider Explains | Business Insider
How Lionfish Invaded The Caribbean. Can We Spear And Eat Enough Of Them? | True Cost
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How Lionfish Invaded The Caribbean. Can We Spear And Eat Enough Of Them? | True Cost
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12 Fascinating Jobs Done By Women Around The World | Still Standing | Business Insider Marathon
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Why Calligraphy Inkstones Are So Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider
How Nespresso & Keurig Spend Millions Trying To Solve Coffee Pod Waste | World Wide Waste
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How Nespresso & Keurig Spend Millions Trying To Solve Coffee Pod Waste | World Wide Waste
How AI and AT&T Data Connectivity Is Changing The Way Truck Drivers Operate Their Vehicles
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How AI and AT&T Data Connectivity Is Changing The Way Truck Drivers Operate Their Vehicles
43 Essential Items Marine Corps Officers Bring To Battle | Loadout | Business Insider
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43 Essential Items Marine Corps Officers Bring To Battle | Loadout | Business Insider
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How Elon Musk Makes And Spends His Billions | Business Insider Explains | Business Insider
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10 Fascinating Jobs That Keep New York City Running | Business Insider Marathon
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INSIDE QUANTICO - How Marine Corps Officers Survive The Basic School | Boot Camp | Business Insider
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How One Of The Oldest Forms Of BBQ Is Preserved By One Mayan Chef | Still Standing
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Why Childcare Has Become So Unaffordable | Business Insider Explains | Business Insider
Why Puppies Bred And Trained To Be Seeing Eye Dogs Are So Expensive | So Expensive
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Why Puppies Bred And Trained To Be Seeing Eye Dogs Are So Expensive | So Expensive
Why This Obsolete Mechanism Makes Watches More Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider
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Why This Obsolete Mechanism Makes Watches More Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider
Why the war in Ukraine matters: Kenya | International Standing
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Why the war in Ukraine matters: Kenya | International Standing
Why the war in Ukraine matters: Kenya | Fuel prices
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Why the war in Ukraine matters: Kenya | Fuel prices
Why the war in Ukraine matters: Kenya | Food Security
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Why the war in Ukraine matters: Kenya | Food Security
Is Trash The Building Material of The Future? | World Wide Waste | Business Insider
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Is Trash The Building Material of The Future? | World Wide Waste | Business Insider


  • @paula.mcguinness6075
    @paula.mcguinness6075 7 часов назад

    It's all a Ponzi Scheme.

  • @ionpop8
    @ionpop8 7 часов назад

    In Romania, the cheapest toilet paper is made from recycled paper. Back in the day, you could occasionally see letters or even fragments of words in it from the original paper. It has a grey colour and feels a bit like sandpaper, so it isn't exactly popular with anyone who can afford better.

  • @DJ_Locks
    @DJ_Locks 7 часов назад

    King Chuck off in the background: I'm not dead yet!

  • @karvak1492
    @karvak1492 8 часов назад

    Bálványimádás+biznisz. Szegény félrevezetettek.

  • @Meghnaaad
    @Meghnaaad 8 часов назад

    There's nothing ethical about killing a living being 🤦🤦🤦

  • @regorRegor
    @regorRegor 8 часов назад

    Publix makes great sandwiches.

  • @elquixotedelascanarias
    @elquixotedelascanarias 8 часов назад

    The oompa loompas should have thought of this ages ago!

  • @chococola4931
    @chococola4931 8 часов назад

    They better keep an eye on the diver

  • @AliensKillDevils.
    @AliensKillDevils. 8 часов назад

    Die Heilige Maria hatte weder einen Sohn noch einen Ehemann. Die Heilige Maria ist ihr ganzes Leben lang eine echte Jungfrau gewesen. Die drei Missionen der Heiligen Maria sind: Hilfe für verlassene Babys, Hilfe für obdachlose Kinder und Hilfe und Verhinderung von Selbstmord bei Mädchen, die betrogen oder ihrer Jungfräulichkeit beraubt wurden. Die Heilige Maria hatte zu ihrer Zeit keine Kirche. Kirchen und Kapellen werden im Namen der Heiligen Maria benutzt, um die Menschen zu betrügen, sie zu täuschen und um Rechte und Geld zu erlangen. In Lateinamerika enthalten die ursprünglichen Erscheinungen der Heiligen Maria weder Jesus noch das Kreuz. Das Gesetz des Universums besagt, dass jede Seele ihre eigene Verantwortung und ihr eigenes Karma übernimmt. Es gibt keine Übertragung von Karma. Wenn Sie etwas Schlimmes tun, gestehen Sie es und entschuldigen Sie sich direkt bei dem Opfer, dem Tier, dem Insekt oder dem Geist. Keine Mittelsmänner. Bringen Sie den Ahnen vegane Opfergaben dar. Bringen Sie den gequälten Wesen vegane Opfergaben dar. Jesus, das Kreuz, die Bibel und der Koran sind allesamt gefälschte Kolonisierungswerkzeuge, die von Außerirdischen vom Mars erfunden wurden, um die Erde zu kolonisieren und zu versklaven. Sie sind keine irdischen Ureinwohner. Deshalb haben die Juden Jahrtausende lang Landkonflikte und Kriege geführt, um Land zu stehlen.

  • @AliensKillDevils.
    @AliensKillDevils. 8 часов назад

    Holy Virgin Mary had no son or husband. Holy Mary is a real virgin throughout her life. Holy Maria’s three missions are: to help abandoned babies, help homeless kids, and help and prevent girls from suicide after their virginity is cheated or stolen. Holy Mary had no church at her time. Churches and chapels are used in Holy Mary’s name to cheat the people, to fool people, and to steal money and rights. In Latin America, the original apparitions of the Holy Mary do not include Jesus or the cross. The Law of the Universe is that each soul assumes its own responsibility and karma. There is no transfer of karma. When you do something bad, confess and apologize directly to the victim, animal, insect, or spirit. No intermediaries. Make vegan offerings to ancestors. Make vegan offerings to the victimized beings. Jesus, the cross, the Bible, and the Quran are all fake colonization tools made up by Martian aliens to colonize and slave Earth. They are not Earth-indigenous. That is why Jews created land conflicts and wars for thousands of years to steal land.

  • @svan4748
    @svan4748 8 часов назад

    Why japanese sl*ves are so expensive

  • @xay6361
    @xay6361 8 часов назад


  • @rustle2
    @rustle2 8 часов назад

    Operation judas.

  • @LokiHiddleston218
    @LokiHiddleston218 8 часов назад

    Michael Angelo is laughing 😂

  • @NoPantsBaby
    @NoPantsBaby 8 часов назад

    "What a beautiful tradition crafts-" CAMEL DUNG "Gives it it's MUSTY SMELL" COW DUNG Some traditions are best forgotten.

  • @user-io6pj8bz8h
    @user-io6pj8bz8h 8 часов назад

    He killed a lot of civilians

  • @pebblethesandwing1151
    @pebblethesandwing1151 8 часов назад

    This looks disgusting. Not sanitary at all. Thank God its at risk

  • @MuhammadRizky-fb9iu
    @MuhammadRizky-fb9iu 8 часов назад

    one of the reason why this tradition is disapear because the dutch colonialism, they have strict law to make keris even they banned the keris maker in some part of region. that's why bali, the last hindu island in indonesia have lost their culture to make keris

  • @Martian74
    @Martian74 8 часов назад

    Just borrow some money to pay off the debt. Don't forget the money that the US must pay to Ukraine, Israel and many other countries, just borrow some more for that too. Oh, the illegal immigrants want some more money too, they would prefer cash please, 10s and 20s.

  • @christianderbyshire744
    @christianderbyshire744 8 часов назад

    All you really have done is potentially make the local government crack down on him

  • @ariparifin9795
    @ariparifin9795 8 часов назад

    Ini Indonesia?

  • @PC-ij3sh
    @PC-ij3sh 8 часов назад

    This is completely fucked up and madness

  • @surajpatil8040
    @surajpatil8040 8 часов назад

    Even Gen Zs use this in India

  • @hamadali-th7ty
    @hamadali-th7ty 8 часов назад

    I am look in g field latex factory

  • @user-qb9lu8ln1e
    @user-qb9lu8ln1e 8 часов назад

    german retirement home in gotha/germany amongst refugees

  • @socranveritas5358
    @socranveritas5358 8 часов назад

    $14 million for 2 million meals is too cheap

  • @NargasTahir
    @NargasTahir 8 часов назад

    Its Mexican 😮 nah its Indian i mean we have same in our home

  • @bluesinmontreal
    @bluesinmontreal 8 часов назад

    Is this Sumo Stew narrating? That voice feels so familiar..

  • @surgc6278
    @surgc6278 8 часов назад


  • @Meow33109
    @Meow33109 8 часов назад

    India a bamboo importer???? WHat!

  • @Meow33109
    @Meow33109 8 часов назад

    I was thinking of this!

  • @SneakyLlamaMC
    @SneakyLlamaMC 8 часов назад

    "Ijen looms over them, as it provides for his family's lives, while it slowly takes his. A heavy weight to carry on his shoulders"(5:49) That's such a brutal but true piece of reality, wow.

  • @Ming_LeeNatashaSurge
    @Ming_LeeNatashaSurge 8 часов назад

    🗣️🎙️ Bare hands and feet on noodles 🧐🥴🚮

  • @No-ky3kb
    @No-ky3kb 8 часов назад

    Wow ok it did work. So strange

  • @Sudhirjairam130687
    @Sudhirjairam130687 8 часов назад

    The original meaning is still there it was never gone

  • @Yernie369
    @Yernie369 9 часов назад


  • @iamthinking2252_
    @iamthinking2252_ 9 часов назад

    though hey, that idea of secular stagnation seems rather quaint now

  • @iamthinking2252_
    @iamthinking2252_ 9 часов назад

    The bit about more debt --> more bonds issued --> borrowers get cold feet and want higher yield --> private sources like mortgages and car loans have to jack up their rates to get money.... that bubble is quite nuanced though

  • @brentsbitsbobs6025
    @brentsbitsbobs6025 9 часов назад

    It's not Cactuses!. 1 cactus and 2 cacti. Get it right!

  • @The-inspirational-moments
    @The-inspirational-moments 9 часов назад

    Should be done everywhere!!!

  • @user-kq5uj1gz3z
    @user-kq5uj1gz3z 9 часов назад

    I appreciate all your efforts you put in curing my Herpes infection Dr Igudia, you have proven to be the professional doctor that you are. God bless you as you go out there to cure the sick people. Gratitude

  • @iamthinking2252_
    @iamthinking2252_ 9 часов назад

    though I feel like this video kinda misunderstood jars and blocks - it's meant to show proportions. Shoving a bunch of money into jars labelled interest on debt, military spending etc **gives no info as to how big each slice is**

  • @Deezey70
    @Deezey70 9 часов назад

    Hard to believe that they are not adding it in the concrete mix like we all know they are ! And charging out the ass for it

  • @violaballs
    @violaballs 9 часов назад

    Worthless in your side of the world! Not in ours!

  • @shehzadhamza3605
    @shehzadhamza3605 9 часов назад

    Kushthi, Kalari are Indian forms of martial arts from which others were inspired.